You can link to the booking portal from the bottom of this page. If you can't find a suitable appointment time, please call us - we can place you on our waiting list and make contact when there's an opening.
After making your booking, you will receive a confirmation email.
For new patients, we ask you to arrive 10 minutes prior to your consultation to complete our new patient form. There is parking at the rear of our building accessible from 78 East Belt.
If you are seeking treatment for an existing ACC claim, please bring your ACC claim number with you. Otherwise, if you’re eligible to lodge an ACC claim, part of your consultation fee may be covered by ACC. We can guide you through this process at your consultation.
If you or anyone accompanying you to your appointment has cough or cold-like symptoms, your appointment will need to be rescheduled. Please phone us on 03 599 8050 and we can help find a suitable appointment time.
Patients under the age of 16 are required to have a parent or guardian accompanying them during their appointment.
Contact Information
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Site by RAZOR